Tuesday 29 March 2011

Plants of the Rainforest

The following plants can be found in the rainforest:

  • Flowers: Provode food and shelter for many animals. Eg. Orchids
  • Carnivorous Plants: They eat reptiles and small mammals and are an essential part of the rainforest. Eg. venus fly trap
  • Vines: 90% of the wrold's vines grow in rainforests. They need sunlight to grow. Eg. Lianas
  • Bromeliads: A cousin to the pineapple, they are waxy plants that grow on the rainforest floor. Each bromeliad can hold several litres of water and provide nutrients for many animals.
  • Algae: Grow on bigger plants and trees and provide a food source for many of the smaller mammals. Algae also acts as a protective layer for many larger trees.

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